
Photo of Richard Ashcroft
City, University of London
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Photo of Constance E. Bagley
Copenhagen Business School, CBS LAW (Guess professor)


Main publications in Law & Management
Winning Legally: The Value of Legal Astuteness, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Apr., 2008), pp. 378-390
What’s Law Got to Do with It, American Business Law Journal, 47: 587-639
A Path to Developing More Insightful Business School Graduates: A Systems-Based, Experimental Approach to Integrating Law, Strategy, and Sustainability, with Sulkowski Adam J., Nelson J. S., Waddock Sandra, and Shrivastava Paul. AMLE, 19, 541–568,
– Winning Legally: Using Law to Create Value, Marshal Resources and Manage Risk, Harvard Business School Press (2006).
– Winning Legally: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach,” in David Teece (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Dynamic Capabilities (2015).

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Photo of Marine Bastiege
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris)



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Photo of Robert Bird
University of Connecticut


Main publications in Law & Management
− Finding the Right Corporate Legal Strategy (2014), with Orozco D., MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(1), 81-89
− Pathways of Legal Strategy, Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance, 14(1), 1-41 (2008)
−  Law, Strategy, and Competitive Advantage, Connecticut Law Review, 44(1), 61-97 (2011)
− The Many Futures of Legal Strategy, American Business Law Journal, 47(4), 575-586 (2010)
− Strategy and the Leveraging of Legal Resources, chapter 3 in General Counsel in the 21st Century Challenges and opportunities (Globe Law and Business 2015)

− Supervision of PHDs
− Supervision of postdoc

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Main publications in Law & Management
– Normes : origines consequences de la crise, with Bessire & Pigé, Economica (Dir.), 2010
– Gestion innovantes des normes, with Dufour, Géréso, (2020)
– Dynamique normative, with Pigé & Zardet (Dir.), EMS, 2015

− Supervision of PHDs (CNAM – Paris)
− Supervision of postdoc (CNAM – Paris)

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Photo of Veronique Chapuis
École de guerre économique (EGE) / Lex Colibri


Main publications in Law and Management (5 max.):
*Legal innovation mechanisms : from the designer to the consumer In Mapping Legal Innovation, Springer 2021 / Les mécanismes de l’innovation juridique : du créateur au consommateur, in L’innovation juridique et judiciaire Larcier 2019
* Author of the Legal Technology Readiness Level (LTRL) Methodology
* L’Intelligence Juridique in Manuel d’Intelligence Economique, Puf, Août 2019
* Les nouveaux défis pour le droit comparé vus du poste d’observation des juristes d’entrerprise in Journées Internationales du Droit Comparé, Oct 2015
*Stratégie Juridique en matière de propriété intellectuelle, Le patrimoine de l’entreprise : un outil de stratégie in Stratégies juridiques des acteurs économiques, Larcier, 2012
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Photo of Pierre Chauty
Alpine (Firm)
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Photo of Christophe Collard,
EDHEC Business School


Main publications in Law & Management
– La Performance juridique : pour une vision stratégique du droit dans l’entreprise, with C. Roquilly, L.G.D.J., col. Droit des affaires, Paris (2010).
– Risque juridique et conformité : manager la compliance, with C. Delhaye, B. Loosdregt and C. Roquilly Lamy, col. Lamy Conformité, Paris (2011).
– Concevoir le droit comme un produit, in Mélanges en l’honneur de la Professeure Françoise Dekeuwer-Défossez, Montchrestien – Lextenso éditions, December 2012.
– La créativité juridique : oxymore ou tautologie ? Réflexions sur l’innovation en droit et la créativité des juristes, with M. Raison, Cahiers de Droit de l’Entreprise, n° 5, September-October (2016).
– Le risque juridique existe-t-il ? Contribution à la définition du risque juridique, JCP Cahiers de Droit de l’entreprise n° 1, January-February 2008, Special Issue « Le risque juridique ».

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Photo of Anne-Sophie Courtier
NEOMA Business School


Main publications in Law & Management
– Do Carmo Silva, J.-M., Bouthinon-Dumas H., Courtier A.-S., “Experts] Pourquoi les écoles de management doivent valoriser la recherche en droit ?”, La Tribune, February 2021
– Courtier A.-S., “L’entreprise individuelle sans risque et le patrimoine d’affectation : le miroir aux alouettes ?”, Management & Avenir, December 2014, no. 74, pp. 145-158
– Courtier A.-S., Henneron S., “Du campus à l’entreprise : comment déployer une organisation juridique intégrée ? Le cas Mondelez International en France” in Penser les relations du droit et des sciences de gestion., X. Strubel et G. Deharo Ed., Collection èmes et commentaires, pp. 91-102, 2014

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Photo of Nabyla Daidj
Business School: Institut Mines-Télécom Business School / Research Laboratory: LITEM, Univ Evry, IMT-BS, Université Paris-Saclay


DAIDJ N. (2016), Strategy, Structure and Corporate Governance. Expressing Inter-Firms Networks. Taylor & Francis Group (ex. Gower Publishing Limited), Aldershot, Hampshire, England. (225 p.)

DAIDJ N., (2013), The evolution of new entrants’ strategies in the media sector in a context of convergence. The case of Apple, Google and Microsoft, in S. Ben Letaifa, A. Gratacap, T. Isckia (Eds.), Understanding business ecosystems, How firms succeed in the new world of convergence, De Boeck, chapitre 8, pp. 165-192.

DAIDJ, N. (2012), De l’évolution des formes d’organisation en réseau. Des clusters aux écosystèmes. Une revue de la littérature, dans A. Jaouen, M. Géraudel (Eds.), Ecosystème d’Affaires et PME, Hermès Lavoisier, Paris, chapitre 2, pp. 53-82.

DAIDJ N., (2011), Les écosystèmes d’affaires : une nouvelle forme d’organisation en réseau ?, Revue Management et Avenir, n°46, pp. 105-130.

− Supervision of Phd
− Supervision of Visiting Scholar

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Saint-Cyr Military Academy
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Photo of Hubert de la Bruslerie
University Paris Dauphine


Main publications in Law & Management
“Creditors’ holdup, releveraging and the setting of private appropriation in a control contract between shareholders”, International Review of Law and Economics, 2021, co-authors, S. Gueguen, vol. 68, December, (Rank 1 CNRS)
“Faut-il rester minoritaire dans une entreprise après son acquisition ? Oui, si l’entreprise crée de la valeur (ce qui est évident) et s’endette (ce qui l’est moins) ”, Gestion 2000, Volume 38, 2021/3, p. 165-177
“Litigation risk: Measurement and impact on M&A transaction terms”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 2018, co-author J. Le Maux, vol.45, n°7-8, p. 952-996 (Rank 2 CNRS)
“Does debt curb controlling shareholder’s private benefits? Modelling in a contingent claim framework”, Economic Modelling, 2016, vol. 58, p. 263-282 (Rank 2 CNRS)
“Equal opportunity rule vs. market rule in transfer of control: How can private benefits help to provide an answer?”, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 23, December 2013, p.88-107 (Rank 2 CNRS)
− Supervision of Phd student bu needs to be agreed as a supervisor
− Supervision of Visiting Scholar but under conditions
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Photo of Florian Favreau
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (Paris) & EM Normandie Business School


Main publications in Law & Management

– Favreau, F, 2021 ‘La capacité transnationale. La participation du public aux contrats extractifs’, thèse de doctorat en droit, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France.
– Favreau, F & Lhuilier, G 2020, ‘Le principe de participation en droit économique’, Politiques & Management Public, vol. 37/1, jan-mars, pp.63-79. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C.
– Favreau, F, Lhuilier, G & Bastiège, M 2015, ‘Les notions d’espace normatif et de capacité transnationale en management stratégique’, 24ème Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Paris, France, 3-5 juin

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Photo of Farshad Ghodoosi
California State University, Northridge, David Nazarian College of Business and Economics
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Photo of Petter Gottschalk
BI Norwegian Business School


Main publications in Law & Management
− Corporate Compliance and Conformity – A Convenience Theory Approach to Executive Deviance, Routledge publishing, UK: Abingdon, 2023.
− Lawyer Roles in Knowledge Work – Defender, Enabler, Investigator, with Christopher Hamerton, Intersentia publishing, UK: Cambridge, 2023.
− Corporate Compliance – Crime, Convenience and Control, with Christopher Hamerton, Palgrave Macmillan publishing, UK: London, 2022.
− Corporate Control of White-Collar Crime – A Bottom-Up Approach to Executive Deviance, De Gruyter Verlag, Germany: Berlin, 2022.

− Supervision of PHDs
− Supervision of postdoc
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Photo of Joe Green
Gunderson Dettmer; Central Michigan University


Main publications in Law & Management
– Legaltech and the Future of Startup Lawyering, MAPPING LEGAL INNOVATION: TRENDS & PERSPECTIVES (A. Masson, D. Orozco & G. Robinson, eds.) (Springer 2021)
– Startup Lawyering 2.0, 95 NORTH CAROLINA LAW REVIEW 1403 (2017) (with John F. Coyle) (symposium)
– Contractual Innovation in Venture Capital, 66 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL 133 (2014) (with John F. Coyle)
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Photo of Jonathan Grossberg
Thomson Reuters; Adjunct Professor of Business Law, Rowan University, Rohrer College of Business


I have been recently appointed as Chair of the Collaborations Subcommittee of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the American Bar Association Business Law Section.  I am also the of the Tax Policy Committee to the Publications Committee of the American Bar Association Tax Section.

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East Carolina University (retired)
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Photo of Florian Imbert
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
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University of Lapland


Main publications in Law & Management
− Doctoral thesis: Giving up path dependence in standard form contractual activity through proactive contracting (in Finnish)
− Supervision of Post doc in Law and Management if related to proactive law, proactive contracting or legal design

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Photo of Sorsa Kaisa
Turku University of Applied Sciences


Main publications in Law & Management
–  Responsible Business Professionals: A Strategic Perspective of the Global Challenges, with Rabi Narian Kar, & Kusha Tiwari (eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020
– Towards Responsible Business: Transition Management through Enabling Regulation, Sustainability Schemes, Quality Management, and Proactive Competences, with Salmi-Tolonen, T, 13-34, in: Responsible Business Professionals: A Strategic Perspective of the Global Challenges. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 1-12 (2020)
– Transnational private regulation, system level innovations and supply chain governance in the coffee sector: evidence from Brazil, Italy and Finland, with Cafaggi, F., Iamiceli, P., Ferrari, C., Swensson, L. & Law, S., Turku university of applied sciences reports 224, Turku, (2015)
Proactive Management and Proactive Business Law; A Teacher’s Guide. Course materials of the Turku University of Applied Sciences 65. Turku: University of Applied Sciences, 157-160 (2011)
–  Proactive Management and Proactive Business Law (PAM PAL) curriculum; Educating professional for the Future in: Proactive Law in a Business Environment, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Kim Østergaard, Djof Publishin, 2012, p. 33-58

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Hanyang University


Main publications in Law & Management
– Chung, S., & Kim, J. (2022). Systematic literature review of legal design: Concepts, processes, and methods. The Design Journal, 1-18.
– Kim J. (2022). Legal Design Workbook: Innovating the Law for a Human-Centered Future. E-book. ISBN 979-11-982442-2-2  Available at

− Supervision of PHDs
− Supervision of postdoc

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University of Lapland
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Photo of Megan Ma
Stanford Law School



− Supervision of Phd student but as a secondary/minor supervisor

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Photo of Maximiliano Marzetti
IESEG School of Management


Main publications in Law & Management
– Inteligencia artificial, compliance y derecho del consumo. Estructuras de gobernanza empresarial y estatal frente al empleo de algoritmos durante la pandemia y más allá, with Acciarri H., and Azar-Baud M. J., (2021), in: Mario Bessone, Enrico Minervini and Pietro Perlingieri (Eds.), Il consumatore e la normativa emergenziale ai tempi del Covid-19, 978-88-495-4596-8, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, chapter 1, pp. 15-41
Artificial Intelligence Will Make Smart Lawyers Smarter (and dumb ones redundant), The Big Analytics Leaders Collaborative Book Project, Compiled by Deeksha Joshi & Vishal Kumar, 2016

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Photo of Antoine Masson
Essec Business School


Main publications in Law & Management
− Mapping legal innovation, avec G. Robison, Springer 2021
− The Usefulness of Legally Useless Clauses – A Proactive Law and Strategic Perspective, with H. Bouthinon-Dumas, in: Proactive Law in a Business Environment, Gerlinde Berger-Walliser, Kim Østergaard, Djof Publishin, 2012, p. 213-233
− Legal strategies: How Corporations use Law to improve performance, with M. Shariff (ed), Springer, 2010
Through the Legal Looking Glass: Exploring the Concept of Corporate Legal Strategy, with M. Shariff, EBLR 2011, 51-77

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Photo of Susanna Monseau
The College of New Jersey


Main publications in Law & Management
Susanna Monseau “European Design Rights: A Model for the Protection of All Designers from Piracy,” American Business Law Journal, no. 48, 27-76, 2011.
Susanna Monseau and Nancy Lasher “Its Just a Game of Jews vs. Nazis Beer Pong,” Journal of Legal Studies Education, no. 34, 2017.
Susanna Monseau Law, Technology and Business The 21st Century Corporation and the Future of Work, Wolters Kluwer, (2017).
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Main publications in Law & Management
− Management Culture & Surveillance
− A path to Developing More Insightful Business School Graduates: A Systems-Based, Experiential Approach to Integrating Law, Strategy, and Sustainability (with other authors, including Constance Bagley)
− The Corruption Norm
– JS Nelson on Business Ethics as a Competitive Advantage


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Photo of Emeric Nicolas
University of Picardie Jules Verne


Main publications in Law and Management (5 max.) :
« Le droit, technique de gestion (parmi d’autres) des flux humains par des flux normatifs. (À propos de l’ouvrage de M. Frédéric Gros, Le Principe Sécurité, Gallimard, NRF essais, 2012) », Jurisprudence – Revue critique 2014-2015, Université de Savoie, coll. « Jurisprudence », 2015, p. 167 et s.
« De la norme aux flux normatifs », in J. Le Goff et S. Onnée (dir.), Puissances de la norme. Défis juridiques et managériaux des systèmes normatifs contemporains, EMS, 2017, p. 177 et s.
« Le droit, une logistique normative », Revue française de gestion, mars-avril 2017, n° 284, p. 71 et s.
Penser les flux normatifs – Essai sur le droit fluide, préf. C. Thibierge, Mare & Martin, coll. « Libre droit », 366 p., spéc. p. 226-237
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Photo of Katri Nousiainen
Harvard Law School


Main publications in Law & Management
− General theory of legal design in law and economics framework of commercial contracting, In: Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. 5, 4, p. 247-256 10 p.
− Legal Business In The Post-Quantum Society, with Keski-Rahkonen, J, egal Business World. 2022, 6, p. 28-33
− Legal design in commercial contracting and business sustainability: New legal quality metrics standards, Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation. 6, 2, p. 137-158
− What have I signed? Do I really understand the contract, Contracting Excellence Journal. 12 September 2020


− Supervision of PHDs
− Supervision of postdoc

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Photo of Soili Nysten-Haarala
University of Lapland


Your main publications in Law and Management 
Nysten-Haarala, Soili, The Long-term Contract.  Contract Law and Contracting. Doctoral thesis 1998. Kauppakaari 1998 (in English).
Paasi, J., Valkokari, K., Rantala, T., Nysten-Haarala, S. Lee, N. and Huhtilainen, L. Bazaar of Opportunities for New Networked Innovation, Intellectual Property and Business. Imperial College Press 2013.
Kujala, Jaakko, Nysten-Haarala, Soili and Nuottila, Jouko, Flexible Contracting in Project Business. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2015, Vol 8, Nr. 1, p. 92-106.
Nuottila, Jouko, Kauppila, Osmo, Nysten-Haarala, Soili, Proactive Contracting. Emerging changes in attitudes towards project contracts and lawyers’ contribution. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, 2016, 1-16
− Supervision of PHDs (if negotiated, I already have quite many)
− Supervision of  Post doc (if negotiated, already have several)
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Photo of David Orozco
Florida State University College of Business
Website: David Orozco’s page on


Main publications in Law & Management
− Business Law and Strategy, First Edition textbook McGraw-Hill, 2021
− Finding the Right Corporate Legal Strategy, with Bird R., MIT Sloan Management Review, 56(1), 81-89 (2014)
− Strategically Astute Contracting: The Ticketmaster Case Study, Business Horizons, Volume 64, Issue 2, p. 171-180 (March–April 2021)

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Photo of Daniel T. Ostas
University of Oklahoma


Main publications in Law & Management
– Aristotelean Decency as a Corrective for Compliance-Induced Environmental Racism, with Gastón de los Reyes, 34 Georgetown Environmental Law Review 2021
– Entrepreneurial Risk: Marijuana, Compliance, and the Social Construction of Law and Markets, 30 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 69-99 (2020)
Ethics of Legal Astuteness: Barring Class Actions Through Arbitration Clauses, with  Colleen Baker, 29 Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal 399-426 (Spring 2020) (Received “Best Paper Award,” Great Lakes Academy of Legal Studies in Business,” Oct. 2019)
– Legal Loopholes and Underenforced Laws: Examining the Ethical Dimensions of Corporate Legal Strategy, 46 American Business Law Journal 487-529 (2009)
The Law and Ethics of K Street: Lobbying, the First Amendment, and the Duty to Create Just Laws, 17 Business Ethics Quarterly 33-64 (2007).  Reprinted in Corporate Citizenship (Dirk Matten & Jere Moon eds., 2013)
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Photo of Jérôme Pélisse
Sciences Po Paris


Main publications in Law & Management

– « Varieties of Legal Intermediaries: When Non-Legal Professionals Act As Legal  Intermediaries” Studies in Law, Politics and Society, EmeraldInsight, n°81, 2019, p. 101-128.
– avec BILLOWS (Sebastian) et BUCHTER (Lisa), « Introduction: The Microfoundations of Legal Intermediation in Organizational Contexts », Studies in Law, Politics and Society, EmeraldInsight, n°81, 2019, p. 1-9.
– Avec TALESH (Shauhin), « How Legal Intermediaries Facilitate or Inhibit Social Change? », in Austin Sarat (eds), Studies in Law, Politics and Society, EmeraldInsight, vol.79, 2019, 111-145.
– BESSY C., DELPEUCH T., PELISSE J. (dir.), Droit et régulations des activités économiques. Perspectives sociologiques et institutionnalistes, coll. Classics, LGDJ, 2022 (réédition augmentée d’une préface de M. Coutu et d’une postface des coordinateurs de l’ouvrage publié en 2011).
– « Comment les logiques managériales transforment le droit », Amplitude du droit, n°2, 2023
Supervision of Post doc in Law and Management if with sociological dimension
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Photo of Elizabeth Pollman
University of Pennsylvania Law School


Main publications in Law & Management
– Regulatory Entrepreneurship, 90 S. CAL. L. REV. 383 (2017) (with Jordan M. Barry)
– Tech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and Limits, 20 EUR. BUS. ORG. L. REV. 567 (2019)
– Corporate Disobedience, 68 DUKE L.J. 709 (2019)

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Photo of Christophe Roquilly
EDHEC Augmented Law Institute
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Photo of Andrej Savin
Copenhagen Business School, CBS Law


Main publications in Law & Management
Blockchain, Digital Transformation and the Law: What Can We Learn from the Recent Deals? (2020) 31:2 San Francisco Journal of Maritime Law, 107-113

− Supervision of PHDs (CBS)
− Supervision of postdoc (CBS)

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Photo of George Siedel
University of Michigan


Main publications in Law & Management
− The Three Pillar Model for Business Decisions, Van Rye Publishing, LLC, (2016)
−  Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills. Van Rye Publishing, LLC, (2014) translated into Chinese, Croatian, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish).
− A Short Guide to Contract Risk, with Helena Haapio, Gower Publishing, 2013.
− Proactive Law for Managers: A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage, with Helena Haapio, Gower Publishing, (2011).
− Using Proactive Law for Competitive Advantage, with H. Haapio, American Business Law Journal, 47 (Winter 2010), 641-686.

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Photo of Ivar Timmer
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Society & Law


Main publications in Law & Management

– TJuridisch risicomanagement. Een onderzoek naar de rol van juridische afdelingen bij het risicomanagement van organisaties. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers (2021) (English: Legal risk management, From worst-case to good practice. A study on the role of legal departments in the risk management of organisations.)

–  Legal management: realiseren van juridische kwaliteit. Den Haag: Boom Juridisch with Mein, A. (Red.) (2018).. (English: Legal management, realizing legal quality. Content:  An overview of the field of legal management in different sectors of Dutch legal practice)

–  Organisatiewijs: wat elke juridische professional moet weten over werken in, voor en met organisaties. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers with Goudswaard, & N., Land, R. (2021, 2nd edition).. (English: Organization-wise, what every legal professional should know about working in, for and with organizations. Content: An introduction in Legal management, used in the curriculum of 5 Dutch universities of applied sciences with a LLB-program.)

– Look to the moon: managing and monitoring the legal function. In K. Jacob, D. Schindler, & R. Strathausen (Eds.), Liquid legal : transforming legal into a business savvy, information enabled and performance driven industry (2016) (pp. 341-360).

– Changing roles of legal: on the impact of innovations on the role of legal professionals and legal departments in contracting practice. Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation, (2016) 2(1-2), 34–47. fessionals). Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45868-7_22

− Co-supervision of PHDs
− Supervision of Visiting Scholar

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Photo of Lisa Toohey
University of Newcastle
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Photo of Mohamed Wargui
Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers CNAM PACA & GROUPE GEMA – CAMPUS d’AIX en PROVENCE
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Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
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