The Law & Management columns, published in French by the AFJE (French In-House Lawyers’ Association) in the Juriste d’entreprise Magazine (JEM) in partnership with ESSEC Business School may be download below.


If you want to propose a contribution in French or in English (that we will translate), please feel free to contact us. Each article should be either of two or three pages long (2 pages = 6 600 characters with space / 3 pages = between 10 000 et 11 000 characters with space, + avoid or minimize footnotes).

1 title: 60 / 70 characters (including spaces) .
1 introductory heading: 400 characters characters (including spaces).
1 possible box per page:1,200 signs including spaces (these 1,200 signs are included in the maximum of 11 000 for the text)
Author’s Bio box (3 lines max.) + high-definition photo /To be read…



The full issue of each magazine can be downloaded here : Le JEM – Juriste d’Entreprise Magazine (

  • No 1 : Presentation
  • No 2 : Legal Outsourcing
  • No 3 : Patenting Legal Strategies
  • No 4 : Decision-Making Tools for Lawyers
  • No 5 : Turning the Legal Dept. into a Profit Centre: the Case of State Aid
  • No 6 : Class Action and Litigation Strategies
  • No 7 : Third Party Litigation funds
  • No 8 : Legal design (written in 2015, long before this topic became fashionable)
  • No 9 : Legal Communication as a Source of Innovation
  • No 10 : How to Turn a Legal Constraint into an Opportunity
  • No 10 : How to cope with Brexit
  • No 11 : Apple’s Tax Case
  • No 12 : Rethinking the leadership of the Legal Department in the Age of digitalization
  • No 13 : Legal Innovation: the Example of the Luxembourg Space Law
  • No 14 : Understandable Contracts
  • No 15 : the Achmea Case : which strategies for EU firms ?
  • No 16 : the new French anti-corruption law
  • No 17 : Cross Border Operations
  • No 18 : Implementing a Strategy of Ongoing Transformation in a Legal Dept.
  • No 19 : Legal Innovation : Which methods ?
  • No 20 : The Collaborative Organisation of Contracts Management
  • No 21 : Transfert of the right to take action
  • No 22 : GDPR Sanctions
  • No 23 : Possible Impact of Joe Bidden’s Election on International Law
  • No 24 : French Purpose Corporations
  • No 25 : The rise of Proactive Law
  • No 26 : Sanction in relation with the war in Ukraine
  • No 27 : Management of Courts in France
  • No 28 : AI : the possible and the necessary
  • No 29 : Paris in good position in the ranking of international legal centers