This Research Handbook inspires a new vision of contracts, with practical illustrations of how they should be designed, rather than just drafted. The contributors offer a proactive approach, merged with innovative design, to show how contracts can be both user-friendly and legally functional.
Contributors: Emily Allbon, Vesa Annola, Camilla Baasch Andersen, Thomas D. Barton, Christopher W. Bauman, Marcelo Corrales Compagnucci, Tim Cummins, Mathilde François Da Rocha, Robert de Rooy, Mark Fenwick, Milva Finnegan, Helena Haapio, Vaula Haavisto, James G. Hazard, René Franz Henschel, Suvi Hirvonen-Ere, Anna Hurmerinta-Haanpää, Deepika Jeyakodi, Laura Kalliomaa-Puha, Anne Ketola, Merja Koskela, Su-Hsien Lee, Eliza Mik, Stefania Passera, Tuula Pere, Eliisa Pitkäsalo, Marie Potel-Saville, Beverly Rich, Mirjam E. Ros, Tarja Salmi-Tolonen, Wendy E. Wagner, Robert Waller, Libby Weber, Verity White, Christopher Williams